Monday, May 18, 2020

4-Mat Review Nouwen - 1296 Words

4-MAT Book Review Esther Gooding Liberty University Table of Contents Summary of book ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 Concrete Responses -----------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Reflection -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Application ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Grading rubric ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Summary Reaching Out was published by Doubleday Dell†¦show more content†¦The host he indicated must remember that every guest has a gift to offer. The guests may first have been strangers but through interaction and engaging in the lives of the stranger, they are soon recognized as guests. The book identified three specific types of hosts: parents, teacher, and helping professionals. The hosts now have different thoughts and feeling about their guests (Nouwen, 1986). Parents view their children as the most precious gift, teachers now realizes that their students have great potential, and helping professional are able to provide a safe environment for their patients (Nouwen, 1986). The third movement is from illusion to prayer. Nouwen (1986) indicated that most people live their lives in an illusion that they will never die. They believe that they hold the key to all that happens in their lives. They do not put God first in their lives and they do not realize that God is in control of every aspect of their lives. There are three essentials elements to a fulfilling prayer life; the Bible, silence, and spiritual guide (Nouwen, 1986). Reading the Bible, and being silence as we mediate on the word of God. We gain understanding through the power of the Holy Spirit. These spiritual references are able to help us work through the challenges we may encounter. The conclusion of the book mentions the importance of spiritual guidance, and the importance of prayer. Prayer is not only to be done is solitude, but

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Health Benefits And Current Health And Social Care Agenda

Introduction and Background Highlight rationale for choice of subject related to health benefits and current health and social care agenda. The rationale provided demonstrates an exemplary understanding with a very high level of evaluation of the supporting evidence from policy and literature. Do I understand the nature of the health promotion activity? Including local, national and professional relevance? Can I discuss with confidence the evidence base for what I am doing or have done? A group of 3 student nurses performed a health promotion topic concerning healthy eating in a local hostel for homeless people aged 16-25. This paper is an evidence based report reviewing the planning, implementation and delivery of the health promotion, highlighting the rationale for choice of subject and paying particular attention to current health and social agenda, health care delivery strategies and promotion thereof. Team working, leadership and graduate skills development during this process will be critically appraised. Furthermore, professional development opportunities as student nurses and the role this plays in their fitness to practice. The theme of healthy eating was chosen as a topic in view of the fact that the World Health Organisation (WHO) (2015) revealed Scotland’s mortality rate as being the highest in Western Europe, additionally Whyte and Ajetunmobi (2012) conclude that although narrowing the gap Scotland has the highest western mortality rate in specific relationShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Reform in Politics Essay1524 Words   |  7 PagesHealth Care Reform in Politics Due to the upcoming presidential election, the two major political parties, and their candidates, have been focusing on the primary problems that the nation will face. Chief among those problems is the future of Medicare, the national health-insurance plan. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Planned Strategy vs Emergent Strategy, Game Theory and Concept of Driv Term Paper

Essays on Planned Strategy vs Emergent Strategy, Game Theory and Concept of Driving Markets - Strengths and Weaknesses Term Paper The paper â€Å"Planned Strategy vs Emergent Strategy, Game Theory and Concept of Driving Markets - Strengths and Weaknesses" is a meaningful version of a term paper on management. Marketing planning is an aspect that is carried out in many organizations. Analysis, however, shows that it is quite important to find a balance between planned and emergent approaches strategy. This paper will, therefore, compare the effectiveness of game theory as proposed by Nalebuf and Brandenburger and driving markets as proposed by Jaworski. This is basically the difference between the two approaches. This is in relation to assisting marketers to find a balance. This paper will also elaborate on the strengths and weaknesses of game theory and the concept of driving markets. (Brandenburger, 1994, p. 800)It is quite essential that a balance between the planned and emergent approaches to strategy be found. Strategic planning involves putting clear future goals of an organization. In this case, planners put in place steps that have to be implemented in order to achieve goals. Analysis of various planning strategies shows that they end up creating a climate that is uncongenial to stakeholders. This is one of the main reasons as to why a balance between planned and emergent strategy is important. It is quite clear that the planned strategy puts across foreseen aspect in a market. (Bell, 1980, p. 295)The planned strategy has been known not to use a committing but a calculative style. In this case, the managers only look at the ultimate goal and not bother about stakeholder preferences. This means that managers only push employees towards achieving the ultimate goal. This type of approach kills employees’ enthusiasm. It is quite essential that a balance between planned and emergent strategy be reached.In this case, the management can use planned strategy to have a clear view of what they want to be achieved but at the same time consider other stake holder’s views and mar ket changes. It is very essential that a balance between planned and emergent strategies be reached. This is because the planned strategy basically focuses on assumptions that are linear based. On the other hand, emergent strategy bases on the business reality on the ground. (Steiner, 1979, p.30)This means that in the pursuit of goals and objectives, managers need to recognize that assumptions made during planning may not necessarily follow a linear framework. A planned strategy is mostly carried out through beliefs, common reasoning and experience of the planners. The planned strategy consists of a structure that is expected to be followed by stakeholders. This structure undergoes conditioning once defensive and challenging customs emerge in an organization.The emergent strategy recognizes that the business world is quite dynamic in nature. This means that changes need to be managed and initiated accordingly. Some of the changes in a market may be quite chaotic in nature. This aspe ct is not put into consideration in the planned strategy. Emergent strategy highly recognizes the elemental interaction of multifaceted systems in a market. This is whereby both positive and negative feedbacks are analyzed accordingly. This strategy easily deals with strategic behavior within an organization.This strategy perceives strategic behavior as an observable fact that materializes in a way that is not predictable. This is due to various facets of interaction and influence that occur in business organizations. The emergent strategy greatly analyses the performance of the planned strategy. In case the planned strategy is deemed to be ineffective then appropriate measures are taken. These measures may include re-engineering and restructuring of organizational systems.

Is Money a Motivator Free Essays

There are countless articles circulating today instructing managers on how to motivate their employees. Some theories state that all workers are motivated primarily by the need for money; so if you want to get the most out of your workforce, you pay them more. So, is money a motivator? Motivation is the encouragement to do something. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Money a Motivator? or any similar topic only for you Order Now (1) There are short term motivators and there are long term motivators. There are also different levels and sides to motivation. In this article I would like to focus on three theories in particular which discuss motivational needs for an individual and how as a manager you can address them in the work place: The first is Maslow’s need hierarchy which led to McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y and the last theory is Herzberg’s Motivation – Hygiene Theory. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs consists of five levels of needs to be satisfied. This model suggests that as people satisfy needs on one level, they progress to the next level of needs as motivation for their behavior. It is only the unsatisfied needs which can influence behavior, not the satisfied needs. 1) Under Maslow’s Hierarchy money would be recognized within the safety category (or a base need for behavior). When you have money you feel secure, because you have a resource you need to survive. According to Maslow once that need is fulfilled you move to the next level for motivation. (1) In this case money itself is no longer a motivator because that need has been satisfied. As a manager, you can use this knowledge to continue to motivate your employees. If they are already satisfied with money, in that it is no longer a primary need, you should move up the pyramid. Work to build the employee’s confidence, respect them, and give the individual projects that drive him/her to satisfy the higher level needs. Douglas McGregor took the work Maslow did with the hierarchy of needs and grouped it into two theories on how people view human behavior at work and organizational life. McGregor called this Theory X and Theory Y; Theory X is focused on the â€Å"lower order† needs and Theory Y focuses on the â€Å"higher order† needs identified by Maslow. (4) McGregor suggests that management could use either theory to motivate employees but that the better results would stem from meeting the Theory Y needs. Let us take a closer look at two theories and how money fits into the picture. Theory X states that management’s role is to coerce and control employees: †¢ People have inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible. †¢ People must be controlled, directed or threatened in order to achieve. †¢ People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility and have little ambition. †¢ People seek security above all else. (2) Theory Y states that management’s role is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals. Work is natural, like play and rest †¢ People will exercise self direction if they are committed †¢ People learn to accept and seek responsibility †¢ People have potential(2) In Maslow’s hierarchy we identified that money falls under safety, or the need for security. McGregor’s theories show security under the X Theory, that above all security is what peo ple seek. If as a manager you run your organization under Theory X, you would agree that money is a motivator for your employees. You would agree, that in order to get the most out of your workforce you should pay them more. If you manage under Theory Y, money may be a part of your business but is not what drives your employees to achieve. The last theory I would like to look at is Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory. This theory focuses on the factors causing job satisfaction and the factors causing job dissatisfaction, and that they are different. Herzberg called the satisfiers motivators and dissatisfiers hygiene factors. Hygiene factors are in a sense maintenance factors that are necessary to avoid dissatisfaction but do not themselves provide satisfaction. 3) These factors should not be treated as opposites of each other. The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather, no satisfaction. Similarly, the opposite of dissatisfaction is no dissatisfaction. (4) Motivation factors lead to positive mental health and challenge people to grow, but at the same time do not lead to dissatisfaction. Above is a list of the top 6 motivation factors or factors leading to satisfaction in the w ork place. Look at how the possibility for advancement can challenge you to grow. Before you were a manager you had an opportunity to advance in your career, to become a manager. This information motivated you to work hard and continually grow as an employee; it brought satisfaction to your job. As a manager you want to bring these factors into your workplace in order to bring the most out of your employees. Hygiene factors can lead to job dissatisfaction. When hygiene factors are either not present or not sufficient you feel dissatisfied. (3) However, they in turn do not lead to satisfaction when they are present. For instance an employees work conditions. If you have favorable work conditions it does not motivate you to work harder, it does not bring satisfaction into your job but you are comfortable so there is no dissatisfaction with your position. Look at how money works, if you get a raise for the job you are doing it does not motivate you to work harder. At the same time if you did not get the raise you wanted or needed you become dissatisfied with your position or management. Money or an employee’s salary is a hygiene factor. It is a biological need because you need money for food, water and shelter. Money becomes a drive for all people because of this truth. It will give a short run of motivation because we need it to survive, but only the intrinsic or motivation factors can determine job satisfaction or no satisfaction. If this theory holds true as a manager you need to provide the hygiene factors to avoid employee dissatisfaction, but also must provide the intrinsic factors to the job itself in order to satisfy your employees. Overall, this theory recognizes that true motivation comes from within a person and not from external factors. The external factors will just dissatisfy and discourage your employees if they unfavorable. Is money a motivator? All three theories studied show that money is a biological need; it is something every person needs to sustain modern life. It is at the base of Maslow’s pyramid, it is in McGregor’s Theory X which focuses around Maslow’s base of the pyramid and it is a hygiene factor in Herzberg’s theory. All of these theories show that money is a short term motivator. If you do not have money, which causes you to go hungry, you will be motivated to take any job to fill that basic need. Once that need is met it no longer motivates you to grow in your career, it doesn’t drive you to go above and beyond the bar set for your current position. As a long term motivator money loses its power over time and can not be considered one. Because once the basic needs of an individual are met they move to other factors to motivate themselves: respect, relationships, advancement, satisfaction. I agree with all three of our theorists that money is a necessity and if it is not present people may become dissatisfied with their jobs, but at the same time it will not motivate the individual to take the next steps in their current career. You can not just pay them more in order to get the most out of them. You need to bring other factors to the workplace in order to motivate your employees to give you their all. About the Author: I am a under graduate from Ferris State University, with my degree in Biology Education. I am attending Elmhurst College in pursuit of my Masters in order take my education to the next level, expand my knowledge of business fundamentals, practices and innovations and to build lasting relationships with my peers and professors. I currently work for Menlo Worldwide, a Global Third Party Logistics Provider. I one day hope to be a respected leader within the organization I work for. How to cite Is Money a Motivator?, Papers

Law and the Legal Consequences Polly and Grace

Question: Discuss about the Law and the Legal Consequences Polly and Grace. Answer: Issue Whether Frank committed trespass on Graces land Whether Polly is personally liable to get her sheep back from Frank Law The term trespass refers to a direct, wrongful negligent or intentional interference with the interest of another person or the persons integrity. The interests of the person include the possession or ownership of goods or lands. Intentional torts may be committed against the personal property of any person. Personal property refers to any moveable property including goods or chattels[1]. The following are the three kinds of individual torts that include trespass to personal property: Conversion- it is applicable when the goods have been completely destroyed; Trespass to goods or chattels- it is applicable when the interference with the goods did not cause damage to the goods; Detinue- it refers to the wrongful detention of the goods; The trespass to goods takes place when the defendant intentionally and directly interferes with the goods that are in the possession of the plaintiff at the time of committing such interference as was held in Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd v Elliot [1946] 74 CLR 204. The person who is in the actual possession of the goods at the time of the interference shall be entitled to bring a legal action against the wrongdoer[2]. As mentioned earlier that detinue is the detention of the goods in a wrongful manner. A legal action against detinue shall lie if the goods are wrongfully detained and a demand for returning the goods has been made. Therefore, the prerequisites for bringing an action on the grounds of detinue are wrongful detention of goods; demand for such goods and a refusal to return the detained goods[3]. Detention of goods In case goods are wrongfully detained, the defendant must possess the goods for some time; however, the goods need not be in the possession of the defendant at the time when the demand for returning the goods is made[4]. Moreover, besides possessing another persons goods without the permission of such person, the defendant must have an intention to keep the goods against the rights of the owner of such goods. Demand and Refusal In Egan v State Transport Authority [1982] 31 SASR 481, it was held that the demand for the return of the goods need not be in writing, an oral demand is sufficient and valid, however, the demand must be unequivocal and it must clearly provide instructions to return the goods. The refusal of the defendant must be unreasonable and unequivocal. A defendant shall also be held liable in detinue in the event of an unintentional or innocent loss of such detained goods as was observed in John F Goulding Pty Ltd v Victorian Railway Commissioners [1932] 48 CLR 157. The defendant may exempt his liabilities if it is established that the detention was unintentional or adequate care has been taken care of such goods. Further, the defendant may after receiving such demand for returning the goods, request time for confirming the authenticity of the rights of the claimant[5]. The intentional interferences with land are also actionable under the torts law. In Plenty v Dillon [1991] 171 CLR 635 it was held that trespass to land takes place when there is an intentional and direct interference with the real property of any person without permission or consent, where such property is in exclusive possession of the person. In order to bring a legal action against trespass to land the plaintiff must establish the following requisites: Possession- it is imperative that the land is in exclusive possession of the plaintiff, which implies that the plaintiff has a contractual right to occupy the land and has the right to exclude others from the possession of the land. Land (subject matter) the tort of action is concerned with the direct interference with the land. Land includes factory, house or any equipment that is permanently attached to the crops, land and airspace. Direct Interference- in order to establish tort of trespass to land, there must be a direct interference of the defendant. A person may commit trespass against the land of a person in the following five ways. Where there is no authority to enter at all, a person may commit trespass by entering into the premises. Erection of any building may be treated as an unlawful entry to the land where such erection amounts to trespass. Where an authority to enter exists but such entrance is restricted to specific purpose and entry for other purpose shall amount to trespass. Where a person has entered under license but such person refuses to leave after the expiry of the license. If a person enters into a land and thrusts any objects onto the land without authorization or lawful consent, shall commit a trespass to land. If a person enters onto a land with the consent of the person in possession of the land does not amounts to trespass. Consent may be express, implied, or authorized by law. Express permission exists when a person in possession of land permits another person to enter into the land for a specified purpose[6]. If the license enters into the land for a different purpose other than the purpose permitted by the plaintiff, the licensee shall be held liable for committing trespass as was held in Barker v R [1983] 153 CLR 338. Application In the given scenario, Polly asks Grace to look after her sheep for two months and allow them to graze in the far back paddock. Grace instead, moved them with her with other petting zoo animals. Franks bespoke-bred sheep were stolen a year ago. When Ethan showed him the pictures of the sheep in Graces petting zoo, he was shocked to see that the sheep looked identical to his missing bespoke-bred sheep. He was convinced that they were his missing flock and entered into Graces land and stole all the 10 sheep from the petting zoo. Here, Frank entered into Graces land without her permission with the intention to steal the sheep from her petting zoo. His conduct amounts to trespass to land as well as detinue. Detinue is the wrongful detention of goods of other person who has exclusive possession over the goods. In order to bring an action on the grounds of detinue, the plaintiff must establish that the requisites of detinue have been fulfilled. The requisites of detinue are wrongful detention of goods; demand for such goods and a refusal to return the detained goods as was held in Egan v State Transport Authority [1982]. In the given case, Frank has wrongfully detained the flock that was in the actual possession of Polly without her consent or any lawful authorization. Polly demanded Frank to return her flock within 7 days otherwise; she would bring a legal action against him. Frank refused to return the sheep on the ground that he is waiting to confirm the ownership of the flock from Biosecurity Queensland. However, the defendant may exempt his liabilities if it is established that the detention was unintentional or adequate care has been taken care of such goods. Further, the defendant may after receiving such demand for returning the goods, request time for confirming the authenticity of the rights of the claimant[7]. Here, Frank may use the defense that he has taken adequate care of the sheep. Regarding the refusal for returning the sheep to Polly, he may exempt his liabilities on the ground that he was waiting for the confirmation of the ownership of the flock until then he cannot return them. Further, in this case, with respect to Ethans liability for committing trespass on Graces land, Grace has permitted the public with a free entry to enjoy her petting zoo and the grounds of her property on the condition that smoking, alcohol and photography on her land was strictly prohibited. However, Ethan was caught drinking whisky and taking photos by the eco pond. Grace had caught Ethan and asked him to leave many times before on the ground of drinking and clicking photos. In this case, Ethans conduct amounts to trespass to land because when a person enters onto the land of another person who is in an exclusive possession of the land, without any lawful authority or consent of such person, the person entering is said to have committed trespass to land. Grace was in exclusive possession of the land and has given express consent to public to visit her petting zoo and garden, situated on her land with the condition that smoking, alcohol and photography is prohibited. However, when the licensee is allowed to enter the land of another person for specific purpose but he enters for another purpose, the person so entering is liable for committing trespass to land. However, Grace can revoke her permission at any time she wants and prohibit Frank from entering onto her land instead of merely relying on her intention to exclude him from her land. Frank may use the defense of contributory negligence stating that Grace has caught him many times but never stopped hi m from entering the premises. Conclusion Ethan has committed trespass to land and the Polly may recover her flock after the confirmation of the ownership of the flock. However, Grace may be entitled to compensatory damages for the loss of her earning capacity and Grace may be entitled to nominal damages for infringement of her rights to her land. References Barker v R [1983] 153 CLR 338 Beever, Allan.A Theory of Tort Liability. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016. Bermingham, Vera, and Carol Brennan.Tortlaw directions. Oxford University Press, 2016. Ciocchetti, Corey. "7 Things You Need to Know About: Torts (Lecture Slides)." (2015). Egan v State Transport Authority [1982] 31 SASR 481 John F Goulding Pty Ltd v Victorian Railway Commissioners [1932] 48 CLR 157. Li, Xiang, and Jigang Jin. "Tortious Act and Tort Liability."Concise Chinese Tort Laws. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. 11-21. Mullins, Gerard, and Susan Griffiths. "Intentional torts and the civil liability legislation."Precedent (Sydney, NSW)130 (2015): 15. Penfolds Wines Pty Ltd v Elliot [1946] 74 CLR 204 Plenty v Dillon [1991] 171 CLR 635 Steele, J., and Tort Law. "Text, Cases and Materials." (2014). Stickley, Amanda. "The importance of intention."Australian Civil Liability13.7 (2016): 104-106. Stickley, Amanda. "The importance of intention."Australian Civil Liability13.7 (2016): 104-106. Ciocchetti, Corey. "7 Things You Need to Know About: Torts (Lecture Slides)." (2015). Bermingham, Vera, and Carol Brennan.Tortlaw directions. Oxford University Press, 2016. Mullins, Gerard, and Susan Griffiths. "Intentional torts and the civil liability legislation."Precedent (Sydney, NSW)130 (2015): 15. Beever, Allan.A Theory of Tort Liability. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2016. Li, Xiang, and Jigang Jin. "Tortious Act and Tort Liability."Concise Chinese Tort Laws. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. 11-21. Steele, J., and Tort Law. "Text, Cases and Materials." (2014).

Friday, May 1, 2020

Human Resource and Management Strategic Planning †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Metrics of Human Resource and Management. Answer: The measurement of performance is been assessed by metrics of Human Resources. Therefore HR metrics are quite essential for decision making process of the company. The metrics, which are been aligned with strategies of corporate as well as business helps in adding values to the effectiveness of organisations. Turnover- The supply as well as demands of resources should be understand by HR. The understanding is based on the turnover rate of employees as well as percentage of employees leaving the company. The rate of turnover affects the strategic planning of business, cost associated with planning and hr planning (Sen and Haque 2016). The recruiting decision as well as budgets, which is the major decision making process depends on rate of turnover of employees and on units of business Cost per hire- The significant HR metrics is hiring cost. This metric is been used by HR for determining recruiting, training as well as maintaining the workforce. Factors like recruiters spending time on taking interviews, venue of job posting and the pre-cost of employment are included in significant decision making process. Employee Engagement- Engagement of employees and the working environment of employees are significant HR metrics that contributes for the success of organization. The measurements of engagements of employees help the management in understanding the challenges as well as frustration that are been faced by employees (Dulebohn and Johnson 2013). Workforce productivity- This metric of HR can measure the capacity of the company in meeting the demand of business. This metric is based on scenarios relation to employee number, position as well as the work they are performing. It is also important for forecasting capabilities of production and predicting the workforce requirements at the time of attrition (Beatty 2015). Analysing the metrics related to attrition like case of retirement of workers, resigning of workers without planning lead to measurement of workforce capable of producing the work. Measurement Plan: To better portray and execute HR estimations, make an estimation arrangement that formats key parts of estimations and how they'll be used. This joins perceiving the business request to be answered by estimation, portraying the estimations or how the estimations will happen, who will evaluate and what will be added to make the estimations. For example, if another report is required from the IT office so the administrative master to the VP of offers can have an exact number of customers for each business assign each month, describe in the estimation mastermind the hypothesis of making another report, running it consistently and passing on it to the associate (Marler and Boudreau 2017). Other fundamental sections of estimation to join into the course of action are a summary of data sources, what information and essential initiative regard is typical and clear implications of the estimations. References Beatty, R., 2015. HR analytics and metrics: scoring on the business scorecard.The rise of HR. Wisdom from,73, pp.285-294. Dulebohn, J.H. and Johnson, R.D., 2013. Human resource metrics and decision support: A classification framework.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.71-83. Marler, J.H. and Boudreau, J.W., 2017. An evidence-based review of HR Analytics.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,28(1), pp.3-26. Sen, A. and Haque, S., 2016. HR Metrics and the Financial Performance of a Firm.Journal of Management Research (09725814),16(3).